Monday, June 19, 2017

Anatoly Karpov in a movie

I've recently noticed that former World Champ - Anatoly Karpov feature in a movie call - Zugzwang from 1989. 

In that movie, there was a short scene where Karpov played  against a man  (actor name -  Mathieu Carrière) who is interested to go to Russia for reason that i'm not interested to know :)

What really bother me as a chess player is  how on earth that the former World Champ miss a quicker checkmate!?

What is Philidor Legacy smothered checkmate "  click here

Karpov did come to Malaysia twice, his first visit here is in 1990 when he played a World Candidate Final match against Jan Timman in Kuala Lumpur. 

Yours truly with Anatoly Karpov in 2010
His second visit in Kuala Lumpur is during his unsuccessfully  2010 FIDE Presidential campaign . He  played an exhibition game against IM Mashafizul and the young Yeoh Li Tian. You can read my blog post here for his 2010  visit.


Chessplayer said...

Hi, you said Qe1 checkmate but it looks like a Super Goal due to white Knight guarding that square.

hairulov chessmaniacs said...

HI my checkmate line goes 1...Nxd3+ 2.Kh1 Nf2+ 3.Kg1 Nh3+ 4.Kh1 Qg1+!! 5.Rxg1 Nf2++ checkmate