Unfortunately however for our new NM - Tan Khai Boon who failed to held his nerve and used his piece advantage against his GM opponent who has 3 extra pawns. Kai Boon lost when a draw would give Malaysia an overall victory.
All in all, a draw against the 39th seeded is a good achievement for the men team and for Mas, he has now collected 1.5 points out of two against GMs opponent and he is now in a right track for his first GM norm.
The women team however fail to achieve the same feat as their male counterpart when they are beaten 1-3 to Austria. The women (girls actually) however had something to be proud when WCM Nur Nabila Azman Hisham and NWM Fong Mi Yen draw against WFM opponents.
Nabila mother - Zazaluma Harun received his daughter result by phone during the Women & Sports Award 2010 dinner held at the Olympic Council Malaysia (OCM) tonight. The dinner was also attended by me and Haslindah Ruslan - Vice President of MCF who is nominated in the Women and Sports Award for Leadership but more about it later in my future post.
A good performance so far for both team especially the men and all the best for round 4 - Malaysia Boleh !
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