Below is one of the interesting game in Malay Open 2008. Black sacrifice two piece for unclear compensation and won!
Analyze by hairulov and fritz
Izzudin - Abdul Aziz Shukor [E01]
Malay Open 2008 , Round 6, 10.02.2008
26...Bxg3!?! Fritz doesn't support this move because it can "calculate" the refutation easily but a human player usually failed to find the refutation because of the emotion, tension, time pressure and many other factors so i give credit for Aziz because of his braveness to unleash this intuition sacrifice. 27.fxg3 Rxe3 28.Nf3 28.Rxb7 is not to be advocated because of the following mating combination 28...Qxg3+ 29.Kh1 Qh3+ 30.Kg1 Rg3+ 31.Kf2 Rg2+ 32.Ke1 Qh1# 28...Re2+ 29.Kf1 Looks like all is in order for white. Black attack seems no strong enough and white is ready to trade the rooks to simplify the game into a won endgame. However, Aziz have something special in the menu....
29...Qxg3 This is the only chance for black to try his luck. Other tame move like 29...Rfe7 is not good enough. 30.Kxe2 Re7+ 31.Kd2 Qxf3 Aziz is a rook down but he has three extra pawn and hold the initiative as the compensation! 32.Kc2 32.Rxb7?? simply mating in 3 32...Re2+ 33.Kc1 Qf4+ 34.Rd2 Qxd2# 32...Qf2+ 33.Kb3 Qxc5? 33...Re4± 34.Ka4?? with this move White loses his initiative 34.Re1 f4 35.Rxe7 Qxe7+- 34...Re2? ¹34...Re8= would allow Black to play on 35.Re1+- Rf2 36.Rxb7?? throws away a nice position ¹36.Rc1 and White gets the upper hand 36...Qe7 37.Rxb7 Qxh4+ 38.Rb4+- 36...Qc4+ ¹36...Rf4+ and Black can celebrate victory 37.Qb4 Rxb4+ 38.Rxb4 Qc2+ 39.Rb3 Qa2+ 40.Kb4 Qd2+ 41.Kc5 Qxa5+ 42.Kxc6 Qxe1–+ 37.Ka3 Qc3+ ¹37...Rf3+ nails it down 38.Qb3 Rxb3+ 39.Rxb3 Qxh4 40.Re8+ Kh7–+ 38.Ka4= c5?? gives the opponent counter play ¹38...Qc4+!? should be considered 39.Ka3 Rf3+ 40.Qb3 Rxb3+ 41.Rxb3 Qxh4–+ 39.Re8+ ¹39.Rb3!? Qc4+ 40.Ka3+- 39...Kh7± 40.Rb3 Rf4+? ¹40...Qc4+ 41.Ka3 Rf1± 41.Ka3?? spoils everything ¹41.Kb5 and White wins 41...Qd4 42.Re7+- 41...Qxa5+–+ 42.Kb2 Rf2+ 43.Kc1 Qd2# 0–1
After the game, Aziz and i analyze the game. I told Aziz that an artist create his/her drawing as a masterpiece but chess player create his own masterpiece with his game .
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