Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nguyen Ngoc Truong San shock defeat against Yeoh Li Tian in the news!!

Below  is the news from Vietnamchess website which i translate using google translate and make some editing.

GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong San (left) vs Yeoh Li Tian

 "The hope of Vietnamese - GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong San (2647)  who is  Vietnam no. 2 and tournament 4th seeded,   suffer unexpected defeat against lower rated player -  Yeoh Li Tian (FIDE 2278) from Malaysia  at the first round of the  HDBank Cup International Chess Tournament .

Nguyen was expected to pocket a point or at least 1/2 point in round 1 but lost against Li Tian after 54 moves.

"Vietnam chess coach Lam Minh Chau explains that the first match is always very stressful. A small mistake can  cause players to bear the consequences. But losing one game is not the end of the Truong Son which have 8 more games ahead."...

News and photo Source:  and google translate

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