Sunday, December 06, 2009

Mas and Yee Weng in 2009 Dragon Capital Vietnam Chess Open

6th December 2009 - IM Mashafizul (FIDE 2419) has a good performance after 6 round of the 2nd Dragon Capital, Vietnam Open 2009. He is unbeaten so far with 4 points and is on 4th place from 38th participants. . However his performance rating is only slightly more then his rating . Mas has faced only one opponent (GM Nguyen Anh Dung) who has higher rating then him . In round 7 which will start at 9.00 AM local time tommorow, Mas will meet GM Dao Tien Hai (2524) of Vietnam.
Meanwhile, IM Lim Yee Weng (FIDE 2336) has a not very encouraging performance so far , he is on 23rd place with 3 points and 2182 performance rating. In round 7 tommorow, he will meet Singaporean FM - Daniel Howard Fernandez (FIDE 2230)

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