NM Ronie Lim Chuin Hoong vs. WIM Zhang Xiaowen
DATMO , Round 4, 24.8.09
Black to move

After about 20 seconds, Ronnie suddenly look at his clock and like a lightning struck ....press his clock again!
What happen actually is his clock does not stop when he press it in the first time after he played 8.Rg2+.... so his time is actually still running and unfortunately when realised it and try desperately to press it later.... his time already shown 00.00 - which mean he should lost on time.
Both player called the arbiters and according to my friend -Andrew Ooi, the clock inventor was there too so Ronnie explained to the tournament official about the incident. I'm not sure what the decision is but from the look of Ronnie dejected faced, i think he was declared lost .
This unfortunate incident could happen in any tournaments, players and i had witness a similar incident happen in the past but it's still unfortunate that this thing happen to Ronnie when he had a good chance to win or at least draw the game. I hope he can forget this round and concentrate for his remaining rounds.
was there a doctor in the house? sigh. Ronnie 0 - Clock 1.
for this drama, i think hairulov will stand behind Zhang Xiowen coz Zhang is one of his favourite player..
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