Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October FIDE rating list Published!

FIDE has publish the October rating list. Let see the performances of the Malaysian players (right). Mashafizul Helmi reclaimed his top place by gaining 54 points! this shows that he is in right track to achieve his GM quest. However i think Mas can still improve his rating to past his peak performance as in 2001 when his rating reach FIDE 2456 .
I think he can past it in the next list after playing the remaining tournaments for this years.

Mashafizul rating graph

Another Malaysian - IM elect - Lim Yee Weng has gained 29 rating points to take the 2nd spot. He has already achieved enough IM norms but if i/m not mistaken he need to past the 2400 rating before officially given the IM title...so will he get it at Dresden Olympiad this November because he is 4 points short ?....however i've no doubt he will get it anyway ..it,s just a matter of time.

Lim Yee Weng rating graph

source : FIDE.com

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